Crucial for the “War for Talents”: How Corporate Influencers Bring Companies New Employees
Um Bewerber:innen von sich zu überzeugen, braucht es kreative Ansätze, etwa den Einsatz der eigenen Mitarbeitenden als Corporate Influencer.
Um Bewerber:innen von sich zu überzeugen, braucht es kreative Ansätze, etwa den Einsatz der eigenen Mitarbeitenden als Corporate Influencer.
Recruiting campaigns via social media are an innovative way for HR managers to achieve their goals in the "War for Talents".
Evernine's guide will tell you why you should not differentiate between B2B and B2C when building your digital sales and marketing strategy.
Evernine's guide will tell you why you should not differentiate between B2B and B2C when building your digital sales and marketing strategy.
Read here how to set up modern applicant campaigns that will also inspire your HR department. Here are 4 tips from the
Evernine Group.
THose who want to recruit new talent in 2020 will have to step up their HR Marketing game and have to be willing to make use of a budget.
Nobody can really suffer from dusty processes, long distances and the associated stagnation in their own company. Read more!