Stand for something not for everything – how companies can integrate HR into PR

Modern PR now has more and more tasks, including in the area of HR communications. Above all, the inclusion and integration of a company’s own employee concerns must be part of a holistic PR strategy for companies. The Evernine Group, one of the leading communications consultancies and full-service agencies, will present what matters today in the new, HR-related PR at the Communications Congress 2022.

The shortage of skilled workers poses enormous challenges for companies in all sectors of the economy. The baby boomers are retiring, but younger generations are no longer able to fill the many vacancies. It is becoming increasingly difficult to win the “war for talent”. As a result of this and the effects of digitization, old-fashioned recruiting measures such as passive job ads are no longer as successful as they once were. A new strategy is needed to attract and convince applicants. The communications consultancy Evernine Group is therefore pursuing a new PR approach: the use of social media channels involving the company’s own employees to attract new talent.

Stand for something not for everything!

However, for companies to be successful via social media recruiting, they must act from a clearly defined and consolidated position. This means that they must be clear about the values they stand for and also communicate them clearly to the outside world. Because today, companies are obliged to process many new topics, from New Work to diversity to the various global crises, and to integrate them into their activities. The important thing here is: Stand for something not for everything! Companies must identify the values that are relevant to them, position themselves clearly on these and align their PR strategy accordingly. It is crucial that these values are also communicated and lived outwardly, which in turn depends on the employees. And the employee journey, in its complexity, brings with it different needs, since it maps not only recruiting communication, but also all phases of a company’s bound professional life.

With “Digital Me” of the Evernine to a more efficient PR

As part of the two-day Communications Congress 2022, the full-service agency Evernine Group will present its new approach to HR-related corporate PR. Since its foundation in 2011, it has been providing strategic advice to its clients, thus enabling the digital transformation of marketing, sales, PR & HR. Companies such as Axians, valantic, Expleo or Offerista Group GmbH already rely on the PR support of the communications house. Based on its many years of expertise, the Evernine Group differentiates optimal corporate PR into four task areas: Next Level Brand Communication, CRM & Digital Campaigns Strategy, Digital Me as well as Content Hubs. These areas need to be set up and networked effectively, especially for PR managers. In terms of HR-related PR, the focus is particularly on the “Digital Me” area, where selected employees of companies are to assume responsibility as “social ambassadors. Based on experience from customer projects, Evernine sees particularly great potential for increasing PR efficiency here and will therefore also present this point at the Communications Congress 2022.

Three points for a successful PR strategy

As an experienced communications consultancy, Evernine clearly recommends the strategy: Stand for something not for everything! When it comes to implementation, the full-service agency supports companies with its entire portfolio:

1. in workshops on modern PR branding techniques, Evernine helps to put the values of a company to the test and to weight them on the employee journey. Stand for something not everything! It is important to involve your own employees in this process and to actively involve them in the formulation of values. This strengthens both the external impact of the company and the loyalty and retention of its own employees.

2. the development of smart channel strategies makes it possible to combine PR, social media and customer communication and give the channels their own identity. It is important to have a strong, digital communications hub with clear themes, with a simultaneous individual channel strategy, especially in social media. Evernine’s recommendation is to not only rely on common channels such as Instagram or LinkedIn, but to integrate new channels and formats depending on the target group, which should be staffed with employee involvement if possible.

3. Evernine sees PR as a strategic means of retaining and promoting existing employees and as a way of attracting new employees. Developing employees into “social ambassadors” gives them responsibility and a sense of belonging to their company, and as such they are predestined to win over new employees and convince applicants of their company’s merits. Because personal contact is what counts most in HR-related PR, keyword: Human 2 Human.

We are pleased to be represented at this year’s Communications Congress and to be able to present this and many other topics of modern PR such as the effective use of content hubs for corporate communications on site. Visit us at our booth or contact us in advance via

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