HannoverMesse 2019

5G, AI and Human-Machine Interaction – Our Insights of the HM19

5G, AI and IoT. These were the focus topics that we repeatedly encountered at the Hannover Messe 2019. Our colleague Tobias Massow was there again this year to meet customers, check trends and find out whether HMI is perhaps even better than CeBIT.


by Kathrin Drechsler
Sen. Communication Manager & CMO /
Campaigns & Media Partnerships Evernine Group


The Hannover Messe clearly reflects the trend towards a networked world. In focus: 5G, IoT, AI and communication between man and machine. We were also there and had good discussions with companies such as HPE, Windcloud, Axians & Co. It quickly became clear to us that the man-machine relationship had been taken up by almost all well-known manufacturers. The main focus here is on intelligent systems, which are designed to relieve people of more and more operative work so that they can concentrate on cognitively more complex and creative activities. And this also works in industry. Our customer Device Insight, IoT platform provider from Munich, which maintains a close partnership with the robot manufacturer KUKA, demonstrated at the partner booth with Microsoft how data can be analyzed in real time with the aid of modern process optimization methods such as machine learning and how concrete recommendations for action can be developed from this. This enables any downtimes to be detected at an early stage and eliminated directly by the robot arm. Here, too, the key word again is networking between the machine and the machine.


And that was a recurring theme at the fair. What our consultant Tobias Massow also discovered, you can read in this article.



Quelle Titelbild: Evernine