4 Tipps für Ihren Einstieg in die Marketing-Automatisierung

4 Tips for your entry into the marketing automation

Marketing automation – this term is one of the major trends in 2017. The goal is to make the business processes in digital marketing as economical and effective as possible. Thus, more marketing departments in small and medium-sized enterprises have to deal with the introduction of automation tools. We give you 4 tips to help your company get started.


The platforms are promising and there are some in number. How to choose? Platforms like HubSpot and Marketo provide exciting functionalities and capture digital marketing as automation tools. They promise enterprises, weather medium-sized companies or concerns- to automate leads, process them, connect all common digital marketing tasks in a modern and effective way, or even provide the right content and channels for digital qualifications at exactly the right place – and intelligent control and reporting are always included.


We, as Evernine Group, have made a name for ourselves above all in the field of digital B2B marketing projects, supporting numerous well-known but also smaller companies in implementing exactly these goals. And so, it is clear that we are also uptodate in the most common automation tools of the market. In the spring of this year, we have already been certified by HubSpot – and are always available with our know-how.


The experience of many projects, which our house has in the field of digital marketing automation, shows that the entry into this field is particularly important in B2B marketing. On our business portal MyBusinessFuture.com, 4 important tips are summarized, which facilitate your entry into the marketing automation.


The following points are addressed:

  • Marketing automation needs standardization in your Go2Market
  • Automation needs your “full effort”
  • Automation is not a “self-runner”
  • Use the strenghts of the tool optimally for your purposes


The complete contribution with more tips for a successful start into the world of marketing automation can be found in Business Innovation Magazine MyBusinessFuture.com.


The published press release on this topic can be found here in the press box.


Source of title image: iStock / Besjunior.