„Hype-Zyklus“ im Digital Advertising

What the “hype cycle” in digital advertising means

There are currently many trends on the market: marketing automation, artificial intelligence or the interaction between MarTech and AdTech. As different as these trends are, they all find their place in the so-called “hype cycle”. But what exactly is behind it and how do you deal with this curve as a marketer? We give an overview with some examples from the analyst Gartner.


by Kathrin Eubisch
CMO / Content Marketing Manager Evernine Group


According to analyst Gartner’s CMO Strategy Survey 2017 customer experience, customer retention and growth will be the key strategies to support marketing outcomes over the next 18 months. For this reason, marketers are researching technologies that can unify and expand customer data so that, among other things, they serve as a good basis for communication. For this interaction with the customer, therefore, the data must be equally recorded and supplemented, no matter which department. These key insights from the “2017 Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing and Advertising” allow marketers to prioritize investments in marketing technologies that support, in particular, data-driven customer experiences. But what exactly is behind it?


In the above graph, therefore, the degree of attention and the elapsed time since the announcement of the innovation are compared. The stages of development that innovation undergoes are the “Innovation Trigger”, the “Peak of Inflated Expectations”, the “Trough of Disillusionment”, the “Slope of Enlightenment” and the “Plateau of Productivity”. The already mentioned trend topics in Digital Marketing & Advertising can be transferred to this graphic. Thus, as a marketer, one can accurately estimate in which phase the trend is currently taking place in one’s own company.


“Marketers pursuing tailored, real-time engagement require a strong, flexible data foundation that increasingly involves transformative applications of artificial intelligence (AI),” says Bryan Yeager, research director, Gartner for Marketers.


5 Insights from Gartner

The analyst Gartner has also taken up this topic and gives five insights into the “hype cycle” with concrete examples:


  • Transformational technologies require exploration — and patience
  • AI invades marketing
  • Marketers take control of data to enhance experiences
  • Martech and adtech: An open relationship
  • Brand safety a top digital advertising priority


On our magazine MyBusinessFuture, we got a little deeper into the subject matter and the meaning of Gartner’s “hype cycle”. Read more about this topic here.


Source title picture: iStock / MayaCom