Kinetik: Die Revolution des E-Mail-Versandes

Kinetic: the revolution of e-mails

Mass mail, thousands of newsletters daily and a full spam folder – who doesn’t know that? Exactly these points are new challenges for marketers, because the world demands innovation! Kinetics emails offer completely new possibilities and revolutionize the e-mail delivery. We explain what exactly kinetics is and how the innovative e-mail delivery works.


By Sandra Benz
Content Marketing Managerin Evernine Group


In the flood of e-mails that reach us every day, it’s hard to stick with your own mailing and get the customer to interact with the e-mail and not let it go straight to the bin. Kinetik offers to design innovative web-mailings without overloading them. Especially in e-commerce kinetics e-mails shorten the purchase paths and drive the performance.

In the past, emails were kept pretty simple, sometimes only GIF animation or personalization was added. CSS and interactions were not possible. The smartphones brought new challenges, so that responsive design has been used in e-mails since 2011 – and today it’s hard to imagine life without it. Since last year, some mail clients have been supporting CSS, which has triggered kinetics emails.



► Emails are now becoming micro-sites

With kinetics solutions, mailings can be set up like small websites. There is a navigation menu, various display functions and various ways in which the user can interact with the mailing. Many additional information can be displayed for which the customer would normally have to leave the mailing. One possibility would be, for example, by mouseover on a picture to display another product image. Minimize and Maximize buttons are also valuable tools for showing more information to the user (if he wants to). This will not overload the mailing and yet the user will receive all the information he needs within the email.


Especially for the e-commerce sector Kinetik offers exciting opportunities to shorten the purchase path. In a mailing, for example, a color or size of an article can be selected directly and the way to the shopping cart is shortened for the user.



► Interaction is everything!

In addition, kinetics enhance performance by encouraging users to interact with the mailing through playful elements. An example of this so-called “gamification” would be a quiz in which the user receives a discount code after solving the problem. That is how the reader can playfully discover the message and its contents.


In summary, kinetics emails provide an experience like on a website. The expectation is that users spend more time with the email and interact with it. In addition, they offer marketers the opportunity to place more information in a mailing without deterring users – because the user only selects the content that really interests him.


In our estimation, Kinetik definitely revolutionizes e-mail delivery. However, we think it’s that the transition will take some time, as users will have to first realize that (and how) they can interact with the mailing.



Are you thinking about using kinetics emails in your company? Contact us here.


Picture source: iStock / Geber86.